Argentina Bolivia Brasil Colombia Colombia Bolivia
Cuba Ecuador
Guatemala Mexico
Peru Panama
Jamaica Uruguay
Venezuela El Salvador Haiti Puerto Rico Caymans Insl. USA
Our Services in Corporate Intelligence



















From our offices in Buenos Aires (Argentina) or in California (USA), we can contact all kind of sources or gather for you any type of public or private information. Obtain or generate all kind of information: Commercial, financial, cultural, real estate, political, governmental or economic reports.

As you know very well, in today's business world, getting good and reliable information it is vital for any decision making process, either for business strategy, management, production, investment or brand and product development.

In today's Hyper-Competitive Global market economy, the one with the best information, is one step ahead of his competitors. With it, you can act accordingly, based in facts and figures instead of guessing s or speculations.

We do not intend to replace your own Corporate Intelligence, but we offer you a cost effective and ideal complement, for your business decision making.

Areas of Competence:

Data base of private and public information: Lists of commercial firms; telephone,fax and email directories focused and specific on your area of your interest, either by geographic area, government, business or corporate sector, etc.
Statistics and Marketing Profiles.-
Profiles for financial or commercial planning.-
Business and Professional contacts.

Patents & Marks
Technological reports.-
Technical specifications.-
Research and Development Reports.-
Manufacturers, Buyers, Corporate decision making contacts .-
Reports on finished goods or raw material goods.-

Global and Regional reports: By specific sector or product, concerning the political or economic area of your interest.-

Monitoring and Update of sensitive key financial or commercial market segments. Current rates and trends.-
Technical, administrative and logistic support for Trade Shows, etc.

Our Goal is to put all the Information
in your hands. Call us, we Deliver!

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 Copyrigth 1999-2000 Dr.Hector J.Fernandez y Asociados. All Rights Reserved - B. de Irigoyen 1588  Buenos Aires -C1138ABH -R.Argentina.- e-mail: